Supermarket giant Tesco has been caught selling fireworks to a 15-year-old girl without checking her age.

In our investigation, schoolgirl Danielle Hale, 15, was served by two members of staff at the Tesco Metro store in Cowley Road, Oxford — and neither challenged her on whether she was 18, the age at which an individual can legally purchase fireworks.

When challenged afterwards, a Tesco spokesman said it was policy to ask for identification from anyone looking under 21.

The five Sky Scraper rockets, costing £20, which were kept in a locked cabinet, were clearly marked "Not for under 18s" on the packaging.

Tesco was the only shop to fail a test-purchase operation at 12 shops in Oxfordshire. Store staff caught by trading standards selling fireworks to under-18s risk an £80 fine.

Nigel Strick, head of Oxfordshire County Council's trading standards team, said: "The majority of accidents are caused by or suffered by youngsters misusing fireworks.

"We're always bitterly disappointed when stores are caught out — given the publicity on age restrictions — and there are no excuses."

Trading standards staff and firefighters are carrying out joint test-purchasing operations in the run-up to Bonfire Night.

Dave Etheridge, Oxfordshire's deputy chief fire officer, said: "Evidence shows young people are hurt by fireworks every year, particularly through misuse."

Three fires last year were caused by fireworks. They included fireworks shoved through a letterbox in Ramsey Road, in Headington, which left two people in hospital and wrecked the house.

Eleven other shops, including the Tesco store at Cowley Retail Park, challenged our 15-year-old shopper and refused to sell her fireworks.

A spokesman for Tesco said: "We have the most stringent training process and preventative measures in retail on fireworks including Think 21.

"This is highly unusual and we all very much regret what happened, which has been put down to a brief lapse in concentration. Immediate re-training will be given as a priority."

  • As we went into Tesco in Cowley Road to get an idea of the types of fireworks available, I didn't think I'd be successful, writes Danielle Hale.

There were quite a few posters stating that it's illegal to sell fireworks to anyone under 18.

I had expected that bigger stores like Sainsbury's and Tesco would have tighter security than smaller shops, but I was wrong. Tesco in Cowley Road had an offer on its fireworks, and I was given a leaflet with more information.

I asked for the rockets, and the lady on the till called for someone to come and unlock the cabinet.

Neither of them questioned my age or asked for ID — just apologised for the wait.

Another interesting thing I found was that many places asked for ID just as I was about to pay — it was more of an afterthought.

Only a couple of shops asked before I could say which packet I wanted.

Two shops asked about my age rather than ID — I was quite surprised when one shopkeeper thought I looked 18.

Some people looked a bit sceptical but the majority did not comment on my age.