BANBURY residents will get the chance next week to see plans for a proposed £2.1m pedestrianisation scheme for the town centre.

Cherwell District Council wants to pedestrianise Parsons Street and part of Market Place, but the proposal will be decided by a public inquiry, after shop owners and residents opposed the plan.

Businesses are worried their trade will be affected, because access to the area will be limited.

The council's executive member for economic development and estates, Norman Bolster, said: "We're committed to improving the environmental quality of Parsons Street.

"The aim is to ensure that the street is a vital and viable commercial area. This exhibition is a chance for residents to look at how we're planning to improve this part of Banbury."

Plans include pedestrian priority, new paving, better car parking in the Market Place, new seating and litter bins, better facilities for the market and other events, the introduction of public art and the removal of unwanted signs and clutter.

The exhibition will be at the town hall, in Bridge Street, from Thursday until next Saturday, from 10am to 5pm.

If consent is given, work on the project is due to start some time next year and is expected to take about seven months.