Retired Oxford GP Ann McPherson was joined by stars from the worlds of literature, music and broadcasting at a major charity launch.

Dr McPherson, who retired from her practice in Beaumont Street earlier this year after being diagnosed with cancer of the pancreas, pledged to continue working for causes close to her heart.

And she has carried out her promise to build on the success of DIPEx, the charity that has given thousands the opportunity to watch or read interviews with people suffering from illnesses such as cancer, heart disease and mental health.

DIPEx (Database of Individual Patient Experience) operates a series of award-winning websites that attract 2m hits a year.

To celebrate the launch of new websites, she was joined by author Philip Pullman, Channel 4 news presenter and former Oxford Brookes University Chancellor Jon Snow and Jonathan Miller, the presenter and theatre director.

In addition to the launch of improved sites, DIPEx has added new sections on autism and Parkinson's disease — which includes an interview with Humphrey Carpenter recorded shortly before his death. The site carries an introduction by Michael Palin.

Dr McPherson, who worked at the Beaumont Street practice for almost 30 years, said: "The websites are not only for those with an illness or health issues but also for their families and carers, and for those working in health services.

"They now cover nearly 50 different conditions.