The other evening I went to Cowley Road, Oxford, to buy a few things but ended up, as often happens, having two bagfuls which were quite heavy.

Halfway down James Street on the way home, I felt my chest tighten and my asthma kicked in, so I sat on a low wall, used my inhaler and started to catch my breath.

From behind a man and woman came out of the house and walked down the path to me and the guy said: "You all right mate?"

Not wanting to scare them, I answered: "It's OK, it's just my asthma, I'll be all right in a minute."

At which he said: "Yes, but you're sitting on my wall."

Not wanting to offend him, I said: "Sorry?"

Again he said: "You're sat on my wall."

I was so stunned at what he'd just said, the only thing I could think of saying was: "Don't worry, if I think I might die, I'll drag myself along the road a bit so as not to inconvenience you, OK."

And to my utter disbelief he nodded in agreement!

Can you believe it? Some people are beyond comprehension.

Still stunned.

Bob Vincent, Iffley Road, Oxford