With reference to your article about OAPs' concessionary bus passes (Oxford Mail, October 15), I use the No 10 route regularly and only occasionally is it full.

Yes, a lot of OAPs use this bus, as do a good number of students and people going to and from the John Radcliffe Hospital, so don't knock us oldies for crowding the buses.

Also, if the buses ran to their timetable, the crowding could be avoided.

Instead of running every 12 minutes, which is their schedule, the buses are running in groups of two or three within a few minutes of each other and then there are no buses for 20-30 minutes.

Obviously all passengers get on to the first bus because they do not know the others are coming behind.

The council bemoan the extra £400,000 they are having to spend, but does it ever think about how the cost of Cornmarket Street escalated and the price it paid for the ridiculous seats there.

Don't keep knocking us OAPs for using the buses now we have the chance.

We have all paid our dues over the years.

Would the council rather have us sitting at home depressed and popping pills.

They shouldn't forget that we pay our council tax, so in a roundabout way, we are paying something towards our fares.

If the council can afford to put our money (the taxpayers) into high risk investments, it should be able to pay a small sum of £400,000 to the OAPs within their community.

I notice that the council have not mentioned the £4.5m that it put into investments.

I have also noticed that the council does not quibble when it has its pay rises, so why all the hype about the OAPs' concessionary bus passes.

Gordon Shorter, East Field Close, Headington, Oxford