Strictly Come Dancing may have prompted a surge in people taking up ballroom classes, but how are you going to fare on the dancefloor at Christmas?

Women are often less self-conscious than their male counterparts, who tend to prop up the bar rather than trip the light fantastic.

It’s a big hurdle to get your man on to the dancefloor, says Lucy Dillon, author of The Ballroom Class, a novel set in a beginners’ ballroom class.

She managed to persuade her 36-year-old photographer husband, George, to join her in ballroom lessons as part of her research.

“He was very reluctant at first but is now almost as keen as I am,” says Lucy, 34.

“All men feel a bit self-conscious about dancing so I had to be a bit lateral-thinking about it.

“His big fear was that we would end up doing all those Latin dances where the men have to wear open shirts and tight trousers.

“The main problem with men and dancing is that they feel very self-conscious. The great thing about ballroom dancing is that once they’ve learned a few steps and they know what they’re doing, they stop worrying about looking stupid and just focus on the dance and suddenly they become quite confident about it.”

But once you have learned a few steps, how can you adapt them to a party situation?

“Things like Lindy Hop (energetic African American dance), salsa and ceroc (modern jive) have very young followers and it’s surprising how many opportunities there are,” Lucy says.

“All the Latin dances can be adapted to pop music, as you see on Strictly Come Dancing, and it’s a nice way of bridging the generational divide at Christmas parties.

“With things like rock and roll, the senior members of staff all know how to do a bit of rock and roll or a bit of jive. Once men have been to a couple of lessons and got over the initial embarrassment, you’ll be surprised what they will do. Even if he only learns two steps, everybody’s jaw will drop at the office party and he will feel like John Travolta.”

She suggests the following tactics for the would-be dancer to adopt when faced with potentially tricky situations:

Office party

Dancefloor danger: The lecherous senior manager lets his hair down, which often results in ill-advised salsa. That can result in backs being put out and previously harmonious working relationships being forever tarnished.

Solution: If you have been looking for an excuse to shimmy up on your office crush, then flirty Latin dancing’s a gift. The saucier, the better. But choose your partner carefully. If your manager asks you to dance, keep the stroking and eye-flashing to a minimum, step around him, not into his grinding hips and, failing that, request some tunes that you can’t possibly interpret in a sexy way.

The family get-together

Dancefloor danger: Grandad’s rock and roll. He might insist that he used to swing your gran round his head at the local dance hall, but now is not the time to demand a replay unless you really want to see what goes on in A&E on Boxing Day.

Solution: The trick with rock and roll is to let the man just stand there while the woman does all the twirling and twisting. Be gentle with those spins and don’t twist arms the wrong way. You don’t have to do anything fancy, just keep the jazz hands going and your feet will follow the music.

The Christmas wedding guest

Dancefloor danger: Your ideal man moves like a drain when they put the first dance on.

Solution: Don’t attempt to copy the bride and groom’s exhibition tango — they have been going to classes since the engagement was announced. Instead, disguise your awkward feet with a close hold, make your steps small shuffles and gaze into each other’s eyes, as if you don’t want to think about spin turns.