The history of Christmas markets dates back to the late middle ages and originates from the German-speaking part of Europe. The Dresden Christmas market, dating back to 1434, is often said to be the oldest Christmas market. It attracts up to two million visitors a year and has more than 60 stalls, but it is now thought larger cities would have held a Christmas market. An example of this is Bautzen market, in Saxony, which was first mentioned iin 1384.

In many towns in Germany the Christian festival of Advent often coincides with the opening of the Christmas market or Weihnachtsmarkt. In Southern Germany it is also sometimes referred to as a Christkindel markt, literally meaning ‘Christ child market’. More often than not, taking place on the town square, the market sells food and drink from stalls with other seasonal items and traditional singing and dancing.

Popular attractions at most Christmas markets in Germany include a nativity scene and liberal helpings of Glühwein, a warm mulled wine (sometimes administered with a shot of brandy), or Eierpunsch, a warm, eggy alcoholic drink. Both are excellent antidotes to the cold winter air which often falls below freezing. In most German Xmas Markets the stallholders sell handmade items, toys, books, Christmas tree decorations and ornaments.

Christmas Markets in France, otherwise known as marché de noël, provide a great opportunity for winter weekend breaks. They exude a fantastic atmosphere and offer great shopping opportunities, but with a Gallic flavour — not to mention replenishing wine stocks for the Christmas season.

Most towns and cities host a French Christmas Market at some point between late November and the end of December. They include several in Paris and one in Lille, both of which are particularly popular because of the fast Eurostar connection.

French Christmas markets have much to offer the visitor in terms of the varied ambience, depending on which part of France in which they are located. For example, Christmas markets in France in the Alsace region have a Teutonic influence because of their proximity to Germany, particularly Strasbourg.

Christmas Markets in Belgium are very popular too. Brussels is served by Eurostar which makes for a quick and painless journey and provides a great opportunity for a winter weekend break. They have a fantastic festive atmosphere and offer great shopping opportunities. There are a few notable Belgian Christmas Markets, particularly Brussels Winter Wonderland and the Bruges Christmas Market, and also a relatively new market in Ypres which is now in its third year. Belgian Christmas markets in or near to Brussels benefit from the rapid Eurostar service.

In Britain during the Victorian era there were many Christmas markets selling festive products and food.

Lincoln in the East of England was the first Christmas Market to be revived and from small beginnings is now in its 26th year.

UK Christmas Markets often have continental themes, bringing over French, German or Italian traders.

There are traditional German markets in London, Bournemouth, Canterbury and Glasgow.

Christmas markets in the UK can be found in all sorts of venues ranging from town centres to stately homes. Some take place over a weekend, others last for six weeks or more.

Many other countries in Europe have also adopted the Christmas Market tradition, including Krakow in Poland, Prague in the Czech Republic, Budapest in Hungary and of course the Swiss markets, notably Basle, which is particularly popular with German, French and British visitors.

More details regarding Christmas markets at home and abroad can be obtained on the website: – useful information such as the location of the markets in relation to the surrounding hotels can also be sought and, of course, it is possible to book hotel accommodation, tours and flights.