A helicopter crew based at RAF Benson near Wallingford yesterday received a gallantry award for rescuing a badly-injured serviceman under enemy fire in the Iraqi city of Basra.

In a ceremony last night at London's Guildhall, the Guild Award for Gallantry was awarded to the Basra City Incident Reaction Team, from 28 (Army Cooperation) Squadron at RAF Benson.

In June last year, the crew rescued a casualty in an isolated area of Basra while under intense enemy fire.

The pilot, Flt Lt Michelle Goodman, was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross earlier this year, but the new award — the first time it has been presented — went to the whole crew of Flt Lt George Williams, Sgt Chris Parker and Sgt Steve Thomas.

Earlier this week, Flt Lt Goodman helped to launch the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal at St Edward's School in Oxford.

At the ceremony, the Master's Commendation for distinguished conduct was presented to senior crewman Sq Ldr Warwick Creighton, who retired earlier this year from 33 Squadron at RAF Benson. His career in the RAF spanned 45 years.

Air Commodore Peacock-Edwards said: "Operations have demanded exceptional levels of skill, bravery and resourcefulness.

"Outstanding feats of flying and airmanship by crews abroad and at home are being recognised with these awards."