Facilities for youngsters living in a "forgotten" council ward are set to be vastly improved.

Littlemore could gain two new youth clubs, holiday play schemes and a street-sports site in the new year.

The newly formed Littlemore youth committee is hoping to push through a variety of initiatives to stop the village's younger generation having to travel to Rose Hill or Blackbird Leys for organised activities.

City councillor John Tanner, who represents Little- more, said people from the village hall committee, community centre and parish council were all on board.

Asked about the location of a potential street-sports site, Mr Tanner said the Herschel Crescent park area rented by the parish council was the most likely venue.

He added: "Labour promised in the May elections to improve youth services in Littlemore, which has often been the forgotten ward, compared to the very good services on offer in Blackbird Leys and Rose Hill.

"Littlemore youth committee has been set up and this has been making progress on a number of fronts. The first thing is that they are going to run a play scheme for two weeks next Easter and three weeks next summer, at John Henry Newman School, using funds raised by the Lord Mayor's Appeal when I was mayor last year.

"The second thing will be the launch of a youth club for 13- to 19-year-olds at Little- more village hall on a Monday evening. This will be staffed by youth workers provided by Oxfordshire County Council and the rent will be paid by Oxford City Council.

"We are also looking at a youth club for eight- to 12-year-olds and we hope to raise money for a street-sports site and develop activities for young people with the Oxford Academy.

"We are still meeting various people to get the youth club up and running, but we hope that it will be in place in the new year."

Funding for the schemes is yet to be finalised but is expected to come from the city council's south east area committee and the Lord Mayor's Fund.

Mr Tanner added: "We get fed up in Littlemore of being left out as far as youth facilities are concerned. They always seem to go to Blackbird Leys and Rose Hill, which is fine, but it is time Littlemore had a bite of the cherry."

"We are doing a survey of residents in Littlemore to find out exactly what they want in young people's activities and play schemes."

A residents' survey will be distributed early next month and a public meeting on the issue will be held at the village hall, in Railway Lane, on Monday, November 17, at 7.30pm.