Shipping people into the city centre on so-called 'super buses' is one of the dafter ideas to emanate from County Hall.

Yet that is one idea on the table in a bid to slash the amount of traffic travelling along Oxford's historic High Street.

Transport planners want to create a bus terminus at The Plain where commuters would be dropped off on normal buses before making their way into the city on super buses with four times the capacity of regular vehicles.

Somehow it all fits into the masterplan of trying to pedestrianise large swathes of the city centre, which to all intents and purposes will mean banning traffic at some point.

But surely it's all or nothing where buses and the High Street are concerned? Why not ban traffic — including buses — from the High Street altogether?

We are not sure what is worse — the sight of regular buses clogging up the High Street or less frequent, but much bigger, ones.