Oh no! Not another half-baked traffic scheme dreamed up by our local councils ("Traffic Ban Will Transform City", October 21).

The incompetence of our traffic planners has been obvious ever since the Oxford Transport Strategy made such a mess of things.

Remember the slogan: "It''ll be terrific without the traffic"? It wasn't.

Then there was the chaos they created near the railway station with Frideswide Square which, your report informs us, is to be "remodelled...to improve traffic flow" — no doubt costing a hefty chunk of our council taxes.

The county council is proposing to pedestrianise Queen Street and St Aldate's (and then George Street, Broad Street and Magdalen Street), which will doubtless become as dangerously full of illegal cyclists as Cornmarket is at present (which neither councils nor police seem able to control).

Buses will be forced to take even more roundabout routes, spewing out more pollution, while bus stops will be less convenient for people coming in and out of the city centre — especially the disabled and infirm. How will disabled drivers be able to get anywhere near the city centre?

Oh, and "a bus-turning circle will be installed at the city end of St Giles". What a brilliant idea!

Is that really what we want in one of the most congested areas of the city?

Tony Augarde, Carlton Road, Oxford