I thought Ha! Bar was a pretty stylish place to find myself drinking on a busy Saturday night. Some of my friends tell me they see through the thin disguise and that actually it's no more than a chat-up shop for those who have delusions of grandeur.

I totally disagree and think it's a genuinely great place. If you can find a table amid the busy crowd and the haze of up-market cologne that accompanies it you'll be lucky! For those who haven't ventured to Ha! Ha! before, you'll find it in the Oxford Castle development, where it opens on to the courtyard that is also shared by La Tasca, Tootsies and Carluccio's.

You can sit out on the courtyard under big heat lamps, and doing this even now in October transports me to somewhere in the Mediterranean. It just makes you feel like you're on holiday.

We made it to the bar and selected our drinks, which was no mean feat because there's so much to choose from. Big wine list, plenty of colourful spirit bottles lined up along the back bar and exotic brands of lager with condensation dripping off the taps seductively are all distractions that will get in the way of you eventually making your mind up.

I think I had a Peroni (and my Mac just tried to change this word to Perineum), but to be honest I had already been for a few elsewhere so my memory is somewhat unreliable!

I like the fact there's so many types of table to choose from. There's American diner-style booths, comfy leather sofas and also high tables.

The high-tables were, not surprisingly, taken by numerous slim and attractive women in their late 20s and early 30s, showing off their legs from their high-up vantage point, faux-subconsciously using their hands to draw the attention of any man that might pass.

We found some sofas at the back and collapsed into them in a merry mess of limbs, drinks and smiling faces. On an inevitable trip to the gents, which are located down some poorly lit stairs that might give you the feeling you're descending into the belly of a giant beast (or is that just me?), I was accosted by a very drunk man wearing a ridiculous hat who grabbed my face tightly, and before I had time to decide how to react, he started a rendition of My Way.

I still couldn't work out if this was an aggressive attack or a joke, and therefore I was caught somewhere between laughing and crying. A light push sent him on his way up the stairs and I was free to continue on my way.

All in all, from the plush atmosphere, the comfy seats, the huge selection of drinks and the crazy man who decided I was a friendly face; my friends and I had a really good night at Ha! Ha! bar.

If you want some classy drinks, and like Frank Sinatra and thirty-something flirts, please make you way there now — you'll most likely have a great time too.