Aspiring rockers of all ages are being invited to go back to school.

St Gregory the Great Catholic School, in Cricket Road, Oxford, has set up a Rock School, which it will be opening to the public next month.

Like the film School of Rock, starring actor and guitarist Jack Black, or Kiss frontman Gene Simmons's hit TV show Rock School, people will get the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of rock music.

Head of performing arts Alison Henderson said the school had spent thousands of pounds buying top of the range instruments, including electric guitars, drums and bass guitars for the project.

She said: "It is a really exciting time. The aim of the Rock School is to give people who can play rock instruments the chance to do so within a rock band.

"We will be holding workshops for guitarists and singers, and we want to have mass sessions where everyone gets together.

"There will be a lot of school-age children attending, because we have advertised at other schools in the county.

"But if you're 92, and can still play, we will not turn you away."

The project has been made possible by Government funding which followed the school's successful bid last year to become a specialist music college. A third of the extra funding the school gets has to be put into community projects.

Mrs Henderson said: "We have enough equipment for 50 people to take part in the Rock School and we really want to see people coming out and getting involved.

"We have also been given a top-of-the-range mixing desk, which we have had fitted into a studio.

"We also have a full-time technician on hand to help us with the project.

"It's a great opportunity for people to get involved with what is a very professional set-up."

She said the Rock School would be a continuation of St Gregory's ambition to increase the amount of live music played in the school.

She added: "We have already started a weekly project called the Live Lounge, during lunchtime. It gives pupils a chance to come down and listen — and play live music.

"Mercury Music Prize nominated folk singer Rachel Unthank has also played.

"We want more things like this, to make St Gregory a real hub for music in Oxford."

The Rock School starts on November 5, with places costing £7 a session. For more information call 01865 749933.