Your article, Our excellent hospital staff (Oxford Mail, October 17), about the John Radcliffe, Churchill and Horton Hospitals all receiving an "excellent" rating from the Health Commission, endorses what I and a lot of people have known for a long time.

That is that we are blessed in Oxfordshire with some of the finest medical care known to mankind.

I have experienced treatment and care in both the John Radcliffe and Churchill Hospitals in recent years and I have no doubt the care, kindness and consideration I received from all members of staff, as an in- and outpatient, has led to my full recovery after surgery, on several occasions.

On three occasions, I have needed initial attention from ambulance crews before being transported to hospital by them.

Again, I have never had reason to complain about the treatment I have received at their hands.

In this day and age, criticism seems to come too easily, but praise seems to be very difficult to voice.

Well done to all concerned — you deserve it!

Ken Jones, Fernhill Road, Begbroke