Pensioners from Oxford visited Parliament today as part of a national campaign to stop them being "left in poverty".

About 40 members of the Oxford branch of the Transport and General Workers Retired Members Association travelled to London to lobby Parliament to increase the basic state pension.

The delegation was led by Bill Jupp, 77, of Arlington Drive in Old Marston, vice president of TGWRMA and a veteran pensioners' rights campaigner.

He has attended the annual protest for the past 12 years — and vowed to continue carrying on the campaign until he died.

He said: "We are being left in poverty.

"We have got people out there who are worried about whether or not to put a gas ring on to have a bowl of soup, or to put one bar on the fire to have a bit of heat.

"It's going to be a question of eat or heat.

"It's absolutely criminal and shouldn't happen."