Thames Valley Police will be piloting a new uniform for three months from November and people will be asked for their views on the proposed changes.

Officers in the Aylesbury Local Police Area, Aylesbury Roads Policing, and part of the Tactical Support group, will be wearing the new uniform during the pilot, which consists of a black shirt, combat style trousers, and a baseball cap.

This will replace the white shirt, tie, current trousers and helmet, driving cap or bowler for front-line operational officers. Office-based staff will continue to wear shirts and ties.

The review of the current uniform comes after the Chief Constable’s Management Team asked for feedback on the force uniform and more than 500 officers replied.

A police spokesman said: "The new uniform is a major part of the force image and any changes will needs to ensure that it is smart and professional as well as affordable, practical, easy to maintain and durable.

"A number of road shows will be taking place across the force in November and December and members of the public are invited to come along and see the new uniform and chat to officers about the proposed changes. The public will also be given the opportunity to complete a short questionnaire asking for their views.

The road shows will be held at Castle Quay, Banbury, on November 21 and the Westgate Centre, Oxford, on December 18.

Chief Insp Dave Parker, project co-ordinator, said: “Policing is constantly changing and is obviously a physically demanding and sometimes dangerous job which necessitates officers having a comfortable uniform which is fit for purpose. The current uniform appears not to have kept pace with what officers need it to do and it is believed the new uniform will meet officers’ requirements.

“The public will have the chance to see the uniform at these road shows and residents in Aylesbury LPA will be seeing officers wearing it around and about over the coming months. We welcome feedback from the public on their views on the uniform and will take these into consideration when the final decision is made.”