Sir — John Tanner is quoted as saying that he 'is very pleased' that the council has declared its support for the City of Sanctuary Movement, (Report, October 17).

All sounds very laudible and perhaps we are not in possession of all the facts, but no mention is made by the city council about cost. What is this latest scheme going to cost the taxpayers of Oxford city, pensioners in particular?

Will it require salaried staff or will the already formed movement bear the cost in its entirety whilst working with existing individuals, organisations and institutes in the city? Even voluntary organisations incur costs.

Could it impact on housing needs health care and schools? Finally can he explain that as there is free movement around this country why should anyone, asylum seekers or otherwise be forced (John Tanner's words) to seek sanctuary in Oxford in particular?

I don't wish to sound harsh, but if money has to be allocated to this scheme I am sure that there are many other calls on taxpayers' money in Oxford that need attention first but the city will not need reminding of these.

Sheila Spencer, Oxford