Sir — With talk of the excessive cost of pensioners' bus passes, this might seem to be the wrong time to complain of the Vale's continuing refusal to allow their use before 9.30am.

However, this measure saves no money at all, since it only means that the passes will be used later in the day. In the case of Boars Hill, the earliest bus after 9.30am is at 11.35am. For anyone who wants a morning in Oxford and is fit enough to walk a mile or so, it is only necessary to go to the top of Hinksey Hill, to use the pass on the number 31 at 9.39am. The point of fixing a start time is to keep places free for commuters, but they have surely all started their journeys long before 9am. The Vale should drop its silly resistance and align its practice with that of the other districts. It will not cost them a penny.

P J Stewart, Boars Hill