Sir — How refreshing it was to read the article in the centre pages (October 17) with reference to the residents of Osney's hydro-electric scheme.

Jolly good luck to them, when all the publicity goes to unsightly, probably inefficient, and, in many cases, unpopular wind power.

I have long thought that one of the renewable sources of energy that has not ever been mentioned, or had Government support, is the use of water power. To me this is a resource that has, so far, not been tapped to any great extent, and would give us power 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Most villages had a water mill, therefore, will still have a mill race, that could be restored if necessary. Every river, even most streams, have several of these in their length. I read in one of the dailies recently that with this water power we could produce three per cent of our national use. This to me makes a whole lot of sense. If only I had a suitable site, I'd be in there experimenting.

Charles Peers, Great Milton