We admire Keith Mitchell's bold vision to pedestrianise Oxford city centre — and the forthright manner in which he has warned opponents he will force through wholesale changes.

It is something Oxford City Council has talked about for many years.

Mr Mitchell has warned those who are not onside that it is his way or the highway when it comes to the plans.

And in a nutshell, that means the bus companies.

Oxford is light years behind other cities when it comes to the layout of its city centre. One thinks of Cambridge, Bath or any number of cities in continental Europe where pedestrian-friendly boulevards are commonplace — and have been for years.

Yes, these plans for Oxford are welcome, but they are hardly forward-thinking.

And as for forcing through the changes using little-known legal powers, well, that could be interesting.

We get the feeling opposition will be far tougher than County Hall is letting on — and the bus companies are a force to be reckoned with.