Those responsible for planning the landscaping area between the cinema and Cornerstone in Didcot are clearly intent on ensuring that residents take plenty of exercise.

The removal of the boards round Cornerstone has revealed several more flights of steps, in addition to those which have been in use for some time — and which are now barricaded, requiring residents to circumnavigate the raised tree and shrub beds there, when travelling between Market Square and the Orchard Shopping Centre.

A revival of papoose carriers, considered fashionable about 40 years ago, would enable residents to pop their babies and toddlers in them, leaving both hands free to carry shopping up and down these steps.

As there's not a single ramp in this area to enable wheelchair users and users of pushchairs, to exercise their right of public access to it, perhaps South Oxfordshire District Council does not view it as a public area?

Permanently fixed metal barriers along the west side of the patio area outside Cornerstone should certainly prevent unseemly rapid access by bicycle to it down the steps from that direction.

To the east of it, there is easy access via a wooden ramp, just about wide enough for two full-grown adults to slide down it, hand in hand, provided they're not obese.

However, as there's a drop of about two feet from the lower end of it on to concrete paving slabs, I'm waiting for the council to provide a pile of cushions there to land on, before I take advantage of this rapid access entry facility into Cornerstone.

JANET CAMERON The Broadway Didcot