Every household in Oxford has been notified of changes to our waste and recycling collections.

At present, one week we have the wheelie bins and garden rubbish emptied, with two vehicles.

Alternate weeks we have the green box and the blue box emptied, with two vehicles.

From October 27, one week we will have the wheelie bins and green boxes emptied — two vehicles. Alternate weeks, we will have the blue boxes and garden waste emptied — two vehicles.

How, as the letter says, will this change or reduce the miles the vehicles travel each day and make the service more efficient and environmentally friendly?

Have I missed something? Is the object of these changes to confuse people into putting out the wrong containers on a certain day and thus be fined for doing so?

We all know the council finances are in trouble, what with millions tied up in Icelandic banks and the bus passes putting them into the red by £400,000.

Sometimes, I wonder if those who make these decisions, those whose salaries we pay, those whose pension funds we keep topped up, have the blooming sense they were born with.

In 2010, the Liberal Democrats may get control and change things again.

What about the cost of all these letters being sent out? How many thousands did that cost?

MICHAEL CLARKE Lewell Avenue Old Marston Oxford