It has been reported in the media that the United Nations are criticising Britain for its treatment of young offenders.

I believe that the people making these claims are unaware of this country's particular problem with youths, such as yobbish behaviour and knife crime.

These problems are not present in most countries throughout the world, and we must deal with them in a proper manner, as I believe we do.

Dumbing down on sentencing and a do-good approach will not work.

We are in this position with many youths because of a softly, softly approach.

The punishment must fit the crime and act as a deterrent. It's not all bad.

There are many young people in our society to be proud of. For example, take our Olympians and our young troops serving their country in Iraq and Afghanistan.

We do not need interference from people in the United Nations, who simply do not understand.

We have enough problems with silly European legislation.