I fail to understand why such excellent establishments as Mabel Prichard School and St Nicholas House for handicapped children, with adequate recreational areas, at Littlemore, Oxford, suddenly became 'surplus to requirement' and were destroyed to make way for housing.

However, this vandalism has taken place, despite our objections, and the sites are waiting to be built upon.

We learned that the initial proposal was for blocks of four- and three-storey flats, which were modified to a small degree after this was rejected by the city council.

The second proposal, which reduced the number of flats slightly to make way for a few houses with no gardens or suitable play area for children, was also rejected.

Now we have an inquiry with a Government inspector where the proposals could be sanctioned.

Consequently, we are faced with the prospect of unsightly and imposing structures that will be nothing more than an ugly disfigurement on the village.

Such an intensely condensed building project (understandably to maximise profits) will result in parking congestion on our surrounding roads, due to inadequate provision of spaces.

We experienced this during the schools' existence at set-down and pick-up, but the times were shortlived and we realised that we should accept the brief inconvenience.

However, with that situation being magnified by the inevitable number of cars coming with new occupants, the condition would surely be intolerable.

We have to accept that housing will go ahead now, but the erection of four- and three-storey flats is our main objection.

Yes, flats will mean more accommodation being available, but certainly not desirable, especially for families with young children.

I fear that several mature and healthy trees within the site are suddenly going to be found to be 'unsafe' (but perfectly all right during the 40 years I have lived here) and will have to be destroyed to make way for one or two parking spaces!

P GIBBS St Nicholas Road Littlemore Oxford