Does the Conservative Parliamentary Candidate for Oxford East, Ed Argar (Oxford Mail, October 14), really believe the Oxford public will put up with a change from Tweedledum to Tweedledee at the next election, given the current economic crisis?

People don't need lectures from any MP or candidate about the price of fuel and food, especially when, as elected individuals, they can trouser up to £200,000 a year, mostly in expenses.

Was not the present Tory leader the man who advised Chancellor Norman Lamont during the dark days of 'Black Wednesday'?

No wonder we are deafened by Mr Cameron's silence on this crisis. No, people want a change from corrupt, bankrupt politics.

In 1983, I voted Labour (not New), whose manifesto proposed a public-run bank, regulation of the City and a new Pensions Act.

The leader at the time, Michael Foot, was laughed out of the election. The Tories gained a 144-seat majority, then we had New Labour and the current crises.

MP Geoffrey Robinson said on the BBC's Newsnight recently that "we have implemented that manifesto", albeit tongue in cheek.

The only people we see on TV and in newspapers are the hedge fund managers, bankers and free market politicians, the very people who have caused this problem in the first place.

None gives the obvious answer to the problem.

Yes, to all you free market supporters, it is truly great to see you squirm as you shift the deckchairs on the Titanic.

Is that why very few have the audacity to write in these columns and try to justify it?

TIM SIRET Evans Road Eynsham