Armchair detectives are being sought by a council that needs help in snaring flytippers.

Photographs are being uploaded on to an image gallery on West Oxfordshire District Council's website to obtain evidence.

Flytipping incidents have been running at about two a day, and prosecutions are seen as a clear deterrent.

Two men have been fined in the latest convictions — but they are among just four offenders caught so far this year out of about 300 incidents since April.

Stuart Scholes, of Fox Close, Bampton, and John Diplock, of Thatcham, Berkshire, admitted dumping a large red three piece suite at a track off Marsh Lane, Clanfield.

They were fined £795, including costs, by Bicester magistrates earlier this month.

Bill Oddy, the council's head of community services, said: "Marsh Lane has been a notable flytipping site for some time, but it was really because we had eyewitness accounts that we were able to get these men to court.

"We need more people to come forward and the armchair detective scheme is a way of helping secure that kind of information."

Last year, there were 651 incidents around the district that had to be cleared up by the environmental enforcement team at a cost of £30,500.

There are signs the enforcement team is having an effect in reducing flytipping, which often involves contractors dumping in the countryside to avoid paying charges at public tips.

In 2006/07, 736 incidents were recorded, but that figure fell to 651 last year — and is expected to drop a further eight per cent this year.

The council is also using mobile spy cameras at 'hot spots' to get evidence.

David Harvey, the council's cabinet member for the environment, said: "The Marsh Lane incident was reported to us by residents. And with their evidence we brought about a successful prosecution.

"It is another example to show we are all taking the strongest action we can against anyone who flouts the law."

The council is hoping to gain evidence on one of the worst cases of flytipping, next to an unclassified road off the A424 between Burford and Shipton-under-Wychwood on October 7.

Images of the dump are on the council's flytip gallery, which can be seen at