Kidlington Evergreen Club, which celebrates its 60th anniversary this year, owes its existence to a district nurse.

Nurse Hyde was concerned about the lack of opportunities for elderly people in the village to socialise.

So she set up a club, which met in the sitting room of her bungalow in Oxford Road.

With 24 members initially, it must have been a tight squeeze!

Soon meetings were switched to the Methodist Church, to give more room.

Later, the club met at the old school in School Road, the Red Lion pub in Oxford Road and the Forester's Hall in High Street.

It now holds fortnightly meetings at Exeter Hall.

Over the years, the club has provided entertainment and organised outings for hundreds of elderly people from the village.

One of the most popular events of the year in the past has been the Easter bonnet parade.

As these pictures show, members spent weeks creating weird and wonderful hats — it must have been a nightmare for the judges to decide the winners.

In the 1970s, the club boasted a membership of more than 150.

Today, with about 75 members, it is as popular as ever.

Secretary Rose Stickley said: "Some people say they don't see anyone between our meetings."

The club celebrated the 60th birthday at the Forester's Hall last week with a buffet lunch, an anniversary cake and entertainment from the Millennium Two.