Visitors to an Oxford youth club were often surprised to see a pram in the corner of the room.

It was not the property of a young mum, but an essential part of the club's transport.

One evening a week, a billiards table, table tennis gear, games and an amplifier would be loaded on to the pram at Florence Park, Cowley, where the equipment was stored.

Then members would push it more than a mile to Iffley Institute, where the Florence Park Youth Club met.

After the meeting, energetic souls would prepare for the return journey.

The picture above, dating from the 1950s, comes from Linda Peach, of William Street, New Marston, whose father, Ivor Poulter, was club chairman.

She found it in her family archives, but doesn't know where and when it was taken, or recognise anyone in it.

The club was formed in 1949 and appears to have met initially at Donnington Junior School.

Later, it had to find new premises and moved to Iffley Institute.

Despite the transport difficulties, it was clearly a thriving club.

Activities included table tennis, darts, draughts, billiards, dancing, film shows, netball and hockey, while on the educational front, members took part in quizzes, discussions, debates and lectures.

During the summer months, there were mystery trips, river outings and cycling tours, as well as weekend camps at Wytham.

One notable success was recorded by the girls, who one year won the Oxford City Football Club Challenge Cup in a rounders' knockout competition.

Subscriptions were threepence a week.

Do you recognise yourself or anyone else in the picture? And where and when was it taken and on what occasion?