Thames Valley Police aim to cut the number of ‘horrible happenings’ at Halloween.

“No Trick or Treat” flyers will be distributed to police stations and community centres across the force area.

The flyers, to be displayed in windows and doors, will inform anyone out on Halloween night which houses will not answer a knock on the door.

Police are asking that anyone displaying a ‘No trick or Treat here’ sign should have their privacy respected, and festive callers should leave them alone.

The initiative, which has been successful in previous years, aims to reduce fear among elderly and vulnerable households. There are also tips for parents on how to make the evening as safe as possible for their children and general information about how to contact the police if necessary.

Sean Hodgson, force crime reduction manager, said: “The idea behind the campaign is to make Halloween as enjoyable as possible for those who want to celebrate the occasion.

“We don’t want to stop anyone from enjoying themselves, but we do want to try, as far as possible, to reduce incidents that may leave people frightened, or which puts people in danger or at a disadvantage.”

The flyers are also intended to make Halloween more enjoyable and safer for young trick or treaters by making it easier and more obvious for them to see where they will not be welcome.

To download a copy of the poster and leaflet, log on to or visit your local police station.