Controversial plans to build a massive waste incinerator near Bicester have been submitted to Oxfordshire County Council.

Viridor — the firm behind the plans — is one of two bidders the council is considering for a new £100m incinerator.

The building at Ardley would be as large as Arsenal Football Club's Emirates Stadium and produce enough energy to power 18,000 homes.

Project manager Robert Ryan said: "Our planning application follows a period of thorough public consultation since the start of September.

"We delayed our submission to reduce the height of the building and to reduce traffic during construction."

More than 500 householders who live within a mile of the site have signed a petition opposing the incinerator, while local campaign group Ardley Against Incinerator has dubbed the plans "expensive and dangerous".

Speaking at a public meeting in Bicester in September, health and pollution expert Dr Dick Van Steenis also raised concerns about the impact on people's health.

He said: "The primary concern is the size and content of the particles released into the atmosphere."

Viridor plans to process up to 300,000 tonnes of waste a year, both non-recyclable domestic and business waste.

Oxfordshire County Council is expected to announce the site of the incinerator next spring.

The other possible location for the incinerator is Sutton Courtenay.