Landlords in North Oxford have vowed to prevent troublemakers causing mischief through the creation of a new Pubwatch scheme.

Half-a-dozen publicans based between Wolvercote and Jericho have signed up as founder members of North Oxford Pubwatch.

The move follows the start of a Pubwatch scheme in Oxford city centre, which will see a 'banned from one, banned from all' scheme launched on November 1.

Andrew Paterson, manager of The Canal Bridge, in Plough Close, Upper Wolvercote, said the North Oxford Pubwatch scheme was likely to implement a similar initiative in its area.

He said the publicans' decision to create a Pubwatch scheme in their area was partly to deal with troublemakers from Kidlington who were using the area's pubs after being banned from venues near their homes.

He said: "We have got a fair few coming in from Kidlington that we are aware have been banned. It is 10 to 15 — maybe more than that.

"We haven’t really got any major problems. It is prevention rather than cure.

"This is for the protection of our staff and members of the public.

"It is also good to catch up with everybody else and see what is happening in other premises."

Under the Pubwatch scheme, landlords of the Red Lion and White Hart, both in Godstow Road, The Canal Bridge, The Plough in Wolvercote Green and The Woodstock Arms and The Royal Oak in Woodstock Road, will meet once a month to discuss local issues.

Mr Paterson, chairman of the new organisation, said he hoped to attract more publicans to join the scheme.

Lesley Ward, landlady of The Red Lion, said: "We are setting Pubwatch up more as a prevention rather than dealing with something after it’s happened.

"We are aware Pubwatch has been set up in the city centre. We know what will happen — if people get barred from their local, we will get them in our pubs.

"This means we will be ready to deal with it, rather than starting something up afterwards."

Kevin Obee, landlord of The Woodstock Arms, added: "This is a great idea. It is a good way of keeping in touch with other landlords.

"We will talk about how the industry is doing as well as barring people."