A street drinker described as "a thorn in the side" of police and members of the public has been banned from being drunk in any public place in Oxfordshire.

Steven Rushmer, 44, of Farmers Close, Witney, was convicted for drunk and disorderly behaviour and assaulting a police officer. He was fined £50 and six weeks in prison.

Oxford magistrates agreed on Thursday to give Rushmer a criminal antisocial behaviour order, lasting until October 15, 2010, barring him from being in a state of drunkenness in a public place anywhere in the county.

Oxford police's antisocial behaviour officer Jim Abram said: "Mr Rushmer has been a thorn in the side of members of the public and our neighbourhood policing teams, especially in East Oxford.

"We have had problems with street drinkers in the Manzil Way area of Cowley Road, and Rushmer was often the cause. He has been aggressive and intimidating towards members of the public and abusive towards our officers."

Mr Abram said police would not hesitate to prosecute Rushmer if he was found drunk and added: "He has to change his behaviour immediately."

The order comes after East Oxford police started a campaign to curb street drinking and promised repeat offenders would face jail.