A host of famous actors and thespians have been lined up to add sparkle to a charity programme of words and music at Oxford's Sheldonian Theatre.

Dame Judi Dench, Juliet Stevenson and Robert Powell will be among those present — alongside Oxfordshire actor Toby Jones and his father Freddie.

The Children and Christmas concert will be staged on Thursday, December 11, in aid of the Pendyffryn Children's Trust.

The trust was set up by Toby Jones's mother Jennie 15 years ago to provide holidays by the sea for children who have suffered traumas.

Mr Jones, 42, was raised in Charlbury and educated at Abingdon School.

He stars in Ron Howard's forthcoming Frost/Nixon film, based on Sir David Frost's legendary interview with former US President Richard Nixon and in Oliver Stone's W, a soon-to-be-released tale of current President George Bush's time in power.

He has also provided the voice of Dobby, the house elf, in the Harry Potter films and was named Best British Actor by the London Film Critics' Circle for his portrayal of writer Truman Capote in Infamous.

Oxford University's New College Choir will sing at the event, under the guidance of conductor Edward Higginbottom.

Mrs Jones said: "I'm looking forward to it, although at this stage it's all a bit scary trying to arrange it all.

"Toby is working hard all over the world, but he is looking forward to it and I am currently trying to persuade him to do a reading from Harry Potter.

"We are so lucky to have Edward Higginbottom and we are about to work out which pieces we will put to which music. It is very exciting and I will be very happy when it all comes together."

Jeanne Le Bars, from the charity, added: "The last concert we had was seven years ago and that was also in the Sheldonian Theatre and also with Dame Judi Dench, Freddie Jones and Toby Jones.

"It was an absolutely brilliant success and it helped to fund the charity for a couple of years.

"We felt seven years was an appropriate interval between now and the last one and we have been lucky enough to have an agreement with New College Choir, which is the most brilliant choir, that they will kindly come and sing for us.

"All of the actors will be giving readings to fit in with the theme of the programme.

"The combination of the venue, the choir and these rather wonderful actors is really going to be exciting."

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