Four soldiers from Bicester are aiming to raise £1,500 when they take part in a marathon in aid of the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal next month.

The 23 Pioneer Regiment welfare office team, based at Ambrosden, are hoping that townsfolk will get behind them and help them raise the money.

Capt Susan Doran, 46, Sgt Paul Jordan, 29, Pte Mark Cameron, 27, and Pte Holarth Daniels, 29, will be running 26.2-miles starting at Ambrosden, through Bicester town centre, past the housing estates and the Bicester Village shopping centre.

It will take place on Remembrance Sunday, November 9, and the team are keen for any early morning runners to join in and run alongside them.

The runners, who have already raised £500, will be wearing yellow Poppy Appeal T-shirts. If you would like to sponsor the team, see or call 01869 256457.