Have I your undivided attention? Then I'll begin — Boo! It's getting near the time when monsters and ghoulies start knocking on doors, scaring the living daylights out of the elderly and those of a nervous disposition.

No! It's not the local election time again, although it has been known for some councillors to treat us to a few tricks.

I am, of course, talking about Halloween and those lovely darlings who think it's OK, because mum and dad are with them, to scare residents out of their wits.

Not only that, if the door isn't opened, they can expect eggs on their walls, locks glued up and unmentionables pushed through their letter boxes.

Isn't it about time this whole thing was banned?

Oh, please don't tell me it's just a lot of fun for the kids. Take them to the cinema, out for a meal or treat them to a computer game, but please, parents, don't encourage them to go out trick or treating this year.

Don't have nightmares.

CHRIS BOSWELL Williamson Way Rose Hill Oxford