A married father-of-two spoke of his relief after being cleared of raping a woman he met in an Oxford takeaway.

Duran Palmer broke down in tears after the jury at Oxford Crown Court returned a unanimous not-guilty verdict today after three hours of deliberations.

Speaking outside the court, Mr Palmer, a painter and decorator, of Aytoun Place, in Brixton, London, said: "It has been a horrible feeling for me.

"It has been a nightmare for me and my family. She has put me through a lot. I have had sleepless nights. I'm very angry."

During the three-day trial, Mr Palmer told the court he had consensual sex with the woman, who cannot be named for legal reasons, at a friend's flat in Windrush Tower, Blackbird Leys, last November.

The 23-year-old said he deeply regretted cheating on his wife Kerri, 30, but was thankful she had stood by him.

The couple have two children — Kiera, four, and five-week-old Durantae.

Mrs Palmer, who sat in the court throughout the trial, added: "I'm so relieved. I was heartbroken when he called to tell me what had happened. I was angry at him, but I knew he hadn't raped anyone.

"He has never used physical force on me. I was going to stand by him always.

"Everyone found out. It was something you couldn't hide.

"I felt embarrassed. I felt like everyone was talking but I just ignored them.

"Now we can hold our heads up high."