There are two lessons to be learned from the neighbours dispute involving the Burden and the Ho families.

The first is to avoid going to court at all costs.

The second is not to rely on getting compensation, even if you are awarded it.

Paula and Robert Burden were the victims of a vicious five-year hate campaign by the Ho family living next door.

They eventually won their case at Oxford County Court, where a judge ordered the Hos to pay £25,000 compensation and £15,000 costs.

Now it is claimed the Hos have fled the country and settled in Hong Kong, without paying a penny.

The Burdens, meanwhile, fear they could be left bankrupt by the whole sorry saga.

It is understandable why they wanted to go to court after suffering such a catalogue of abuse and harassment.

But they say everyone had advised them not to take this course.

How right these advisers were. The chances are the only real winners will be the lawyers, with their exorbitant fees.

And as for the payment of compensation, that has long been a big joke.

Many of those ordered to pay simply disappear, claim they are skint or refuse to hand over any money — and no-one in authority seems to have the power, or is interested, in forcing them to do so.