I am at 32 ½ weeks. Have been really busy of late sorting everything out. It is amazing how much one little person actually needs. Recent purchases have included nail scissors, travel changing mat, moses basket and non-biological washing powder!!

So as to make the most of the fabulous weather, I have washed all of the baby clothes so they are all ready. It was so lovely to see the tiny clothes hanging on the line and it made baby’s arrival seem even closer. I’m sure the novelty of washing booties and vests will ware of soon but for now, I love it – another stage of the journey and a photo for the album.

Last weekend my parents came to stay and they loved our new house. Mum and I were on Operation Curtains – my pet hate!!! All sorted now. Dad was on decorating nursery and what a fantastic job he has done. He has done a jungle scene mural across the whole of one wall. It has lots of animals with friendly faces. I’m sure baby and I will spend hours looking at it. It really is fabulous. We’ve just got to paint the ceiling and clean the carpet and then we can move in. I am itching to get all the furniture in place and unpack all the goodies we have bought over the last 6 months. It’s impossible to get anything done during the working week so we have to work flat out at the weekends too.

This week I went to a Home Birth Support meeting organised by the NCT. It was extremely reassuring and comforting to discuss home births with Mums who have been through it and also new mums who were considering it. It confirmed to me 100% that a home birth is the right option for us and I have no concerns or doubts. Friends have said I’m brave for doing it bit that is not at all how I feel. Birth is a very natural and common thing so I don’t feel the need to do have this experience in a sterile, hospital room with lots of medical intervention. I’m going to go for a water birth option as I have had it recommended and I think I’ll find it very relaxing, especially as I’ll be in my own front room.

I met my new midwife yesterday who was very lovely. Am glad to report that baby is doing well and passed all his tests with flying colours! His head is down – I could have told you that though as I am not up to 3 wees a night!!! I started my reduced hours this week so only work Tues, Wed, Thurs. I genuinely think that I couldn’t work a full week now. I leave the house at 730 and don’t get back until 630 so I’m absolutely exhausted. As bedtime is now 9-930, I literally have my dinner, a bath and then it’s bed!!! Not much of a life!!! Am hoping that by having a long weekend, I’ll be able to have a bit of a social life again and make the most of it before I’m a stay at home Mum!!