A former drug addict with a history of mental health problems has written a "raw and honest" memoir about her life in Oxford.

Fabia Cerra fell into the depths of depression, and attempted suicide three times before finding the love of her life in Blackbird Leys.

The 34-year-old was a champion disco dancer as a child but suffered family problems, and the taunts of bullies, while attending Peers School and living in Field Avenue.

She later became involved in the rave scene, using Class A drugs ecstacy and heroin.

The substances aggravated her underlying bi-polar disorder, schizophrenia and feelings of anxiety.

Even when she met her current partner, her demons did not escape her and she set fire to her hair after imagining him having an affair with her sister.

But Miss Cerra said seeing her book In 2 Minds published on the internet, and the prospect of it being published as a paperback, had left her feeling "on top of the world".

The mum-of-one, who now lives in Centaury Place, Greater Leys, said: "It feels amazing. I cannot believe I have done it.

"Writing a book takes over your life. You have to go back to the past — and it hurt. There were days I felt like I couldn’t carry on because of the bad memories.

"But it has been very therapeutic. It has made me realise I am a strong person."

Among the painful memories are Miss Cerra’s early 20s, which saw her smoke cocaine and become promiscuous.

The e-book, which will be printed by mental health publisher chipmunkapublishing, also explores her time in the Littlemore Hospital following a period of post natal depression.

It ends on the high note of her seven-year love affair with partner Dougie Thomson.

Miss Cerra said: "It is an honest memoir. It is raw. It is cutting edge and the truth. I am relieved it is out there now and everyone knows.

"It is a tribute to Dougie, who gave me something to believe in — love."