Although not wishing to appear a complainer, I’ve seen a few letters lately about inconsiderate cycling, causing collisions with pedestrians on towpaths, footpaths and pavements etc.

I admit seeing many stupid cycling antics supporting the view — cyclists appear to sit on their brains when their backside first hits the saddle.

I would hypothesise that this fairly recent phenomena is closely linked to idiotic county council decisions to mark previously pedestrian-only pavements as shared routes for pedestrians and cyclists, creating a mindset of the average cyclist that he or she can now cycle anywhere with impunity.

This could explain the lowering of motorcycling standards when cyclists move up to a quicker set on two wheels as they age physically, if not mentally.

So let’s get bicycles back on the road where they belong. Hopefully, frightened out of their minds by motorised vehicles, they’ll give the idea of ‘advancing’ to motorbikes a miss.

MICHAEL HEAVEY Oxford Road Old Marston Oxford