Yet again it would appear that the poor old taxpayer is going to suffer most because of this global economic crisis.

Our councils have invested millions in those Icelandic banks and it would seem that the money — our money — may be lost forever.

Oh well, never mind, we will just be screwed for council tax rises next year, way above the rate of inflation as usual and suffer extreme cuts in services, which will probably mean the most vulnerable in our society will suffer most, as always.

In time, no-one knows how long it will take, the economic crisis will resolve itself and then it will be time for the Government to take stock.

They should shut the door on any more immigration which is putting an ever-increasing strain on the NHS and social services, no longer give millions of taxpayers' money in aid for whatever reason to causes abroad, deport those foreign convicts who are clogging up our prisons and stop many more things which are costing us a fortune.

In truth, the Government should put the British taxpayer, whom it is there to serve, first for a change.

There isn't much noise coming from Brussels where the members of that select club have the biggest bank account on this planet.

Are they going to bring us all a few quid each to help us out?

Well, it will be chicken soup instead of chicken this Christmas and that will be cold 'cos we won't be able to afford to heat it up.

But just think of the joy of huddling around the candle for warmth while watching all those repeats on the telly — oh, I can't wait.

Something I saw in one of the nationals recently. The Americans have Barack Obama, Johnny Cash, Bob Hope and Stevie Wonder.

We have Gordon Brown, no cash, no hope and no flippin' wonder. Just about sums it all up.

MICHAEL CLARKE Lewell Avenue Old Marston Oxford