Drink-fuelled violence has been a blot on Britain's landscape for far too long.

No matter how hard we try to pretend otherwise, many towns and cities in England are no-go areas on Friday and Saturday nights when they become ravaged by those whose idea of a good time is to pour as much booze down their throats as possible — then claim not to remember anything.

Of course, Oxford is no exception — as the police have publicly acknowledged.

That is why we welcome moves to create the city's first Pubwatch banning scheme.

Under proposals being drawn up, at least 30 premises have signed up to a 'banned-from-one, banned-from-them-all' initiative to root out troublemakers.

If an individual causes trouble in one pub, bar or club, he — or she — would be banned from all.

The scheme should be operational by November 1.

About time too. But the scheme should go further.

We should be allowed to name and shame these boozed-up yobs so that the public, who are directly affected by their childish behaviour, their parents, families and employers know who they are too.