Misbehave in one — get banned from them all.

That is the tough new message from Oxford's publicans.

Landlords of 30 city centre venues will this month sign up to the Banned scheme — a joint Pubwatch, Nightsafe and Thames Valley Police initiative to crack down on troublemakers.

Under the plan, persistent and violent yobs will find themselves barred from the majority of pubs and clubs in central Oxford for up to 12 months.

At present landlords only have the power to ban yobs from their own bars.

But when the Banned scheme is up-and-running from November 1, it will be the first time publicans have agreed to ban yobs from their premises as a collective force in Oxford.

Darren Kent, chairman of Oxford Pubwatch, which will run the scheme, said Banned was designed to show solidarity against the small minority of people who caused trouble in the city centre.

Mr Kent, manager of the Turf Tavern in Bath Place, said: "We are not saying if you get drunk and drop a glass on the floor you are going to get banned. It is for repetitive disruptive disorder or violent behaviour in a pub."

The licensees who are part of Oxford city centre's Pubwatch scheme will meet at Oxford Town Hall on Wednesday, October 29 to sign up to the initiative, which will start on Saturday, November 1.

Mr Kent said Pubwatch had chosen to implement the scheme now as students had just returned and it would reassure them that Oxford was a safe place to enjoy a night out.

He joined city centre management company OX1— which helped devise the scheme — in calling for central Oxford's other 30 or so licensees to sign up to the initiative.

Mr Kent said: "I'm very confident about the scheme and I am hoping more and more licensees within the OX1 area sign up.

"If we all stand together we will be able to stamp this kind of behaviour out."

City centre Insp Richard Brown said: "We are working closely with licensees to ensure the minority of persistent troublemakers we see in Oxford are barred from all their premises.

"We are only looking at the dozen or so individuals who regularly cause problems.

"The object is to make Oxford an even safer place for an evening's entertainment."

In Reading, a similar scheme was introduced three years ago.

A Reading Pubwatch spokesman said there are 14 troublemakers barred under the scheme.

Mr Kent said: "I am hoping we don't ban a lot. Obviously we hope we are not going to be barring 20 or 30 people a week.

"Perhaps this will make people think twice before they hit somebody."