A deal between a developer and Vale of White Horse District Council to revamp Abingdon's Old Gaol should be renegotiated, say local householders in the town.

Developer Cranbourne Homes, which is behind multi-million pound plans to revamp the town centre site has brokered a new price for the site behind closed doors.

However, the company and the local authority — which owns the site — have refused to say how much the new deal is worth.

Cranbourne said they were happy with the new deal, while the council insisted the firm's offer was still the best.

The Oxford Mail this week submitted a Freedom of Information request in an attempt to find out the price.

But residents are worried other bidders were squeezed out of the negotiations at an early stage.

Jim Fife, of Anna Pavlova Close, said: "This project has been given to a company which was too optimistic about the state of the market and the tender was lost by more cautious bidders."