Bogus water workers stole £650 from an 81-year-old woman in Bicester.

At about 8.30pm yesterday, two men went to an address off Withington Road and told the woman that a water pipe had burst.

They went into the property explaining that they needed to take the stop cock off.

One of them went into the kitchen, while the other held the victim’s handbag and told the victim he saw a young man run out of the property holding some money.

The elderly woman went to look outside and the two men left stealing £650.

The men were both aged in their twenties and were wearing jeans. One was white, with fair hair and was wearing jeans. The second was of mixed race, with short dark hair.

PC Mike West said: “I appeal to anyone who may have seen two men of these descriptions acting suspiciously in Bicester yesterday to contact police.

“I urge family and friends of elderly people to remind them not to let anyone into their home who comes round unexpectedly.”

Anyone with information that could assist police enquiries is urged to contact PC West via Thames Valley Police Enquiry Centre on 0845 8 505 505. If you don’t want to speak to police and don’t want to leave your name contact the Crimestoppers charity on 0800 555 111.