How many times over the years have our wonderful, public-spirited councillors told us that due to lack of money, council tax must rise or essential services must be cut, or both?

How many times have people who have been flooded more than once in recent years, been told there is no money available to clear drains, ditches, streams and rivers to hold back the water which causes flooding?

Now we hear that local councils have £28m salted away in Icelandic banks.

I know councillors will say it is invested and we get the interest, but two questions need answers.

Where did this money come from in the first place, and if it was from the council tax, why were people made to suffer with services cut, council tax increased and people flooded out, just to create a surplus? I can only think someone has been very economical with the truth.

Keith Brooks, Gateley, Horspath, Oxford