The report about private citizens using speed indicator devices to measure the speed of passing motorists (Oxford Mail, October 9) contains some ambiguities.

While I do not condone speeding, especially in a built-up area, your report states that any car registration that is noted speeding three times may receive a hefty fine from the police.

The car in question may have been driven by three different drivers and no-one can prove otherwise.

Secondly, it states that the evidence from these devices is not admissible in court. Therefore, I cannot see how anyone can be successfully prosecuted.

The letters sent out to the registered keeper may have a calming effect on a few drivers, but the majority of the habitual speeders will no doubt ignore them.

Surely, it would be far better to have a fully-trained police officer with the proper calibrated equipment on the job, as a fine and points would be a far better deterrent than some pensioners waving a hair drier about or a letter being sent out days later.

All speeding motorists should be taken on a forced tour of the local morgue to view the mangled bodies of people killed because of excessive speed — this would have a more calming effect than any letter.

Tony Anchors, Didcot