I heard on TV a debate about the Government banning smacking children.

I thought this was already in force, but I would like to make my views known.

I am totally against the ban.

I think it is a stupid idea, as it takes parental control away.

Once children know they can get away with wrongdoing, they'll keep doing wrong, since the parent can get into trouble for smacking them and finish up in court.

OK, try and stop their pocket money. They would probably go shoplifting, so you just can't win.

This is why there are so many yobs about these days, because of the lack of parental control.

We never had trouble like this when I was a youngster — we would get punished if we did.

A good hiding never did us any harm, but it did teach us to think twice before getting into trouble again. It also taught us to have respect for other people, especially the elderly and disabled.

The Government should give parents back the control of their children and stop social services interfering and breaking families up, just because the parent slapped a naughty child.

If they used a cane or any other object to punish them, that could be classed as cruelty, then put social services on to the case.

Other than that, I would never let social services pass my front door.

I think there are quite a large number of people who would agree with me on these points.

Peter Collett, The Slade, Headington, Oxford