You report on your front page that a schoolboy rapist got six years (Oxford Mail, October 11).

This boy was at least punished for the horrendous thing he did. That's good, although I can't say the same for my granddaughter's attacker.

My granddaughter was 7 years old when a 14-year-old boy sexually assaulted her.

He threatened her that he would hurt her if she told anyone.

After a few months, she broke down and told her mum what he did and it was reported to the police straightaway.

The boy was questioned. My granddaughter went through so much, having to relive what happened. It broke her heart and took all her confidence away.

Everyone thought he would be punished, but the justice system let my granddaughter down badly.

The 'justice system' decided that she was too young to give evidence so the boy got away scot free, while my granddaughter had to have months of counselling and still has nightmares.

The boy is still seen hanging around play areas. He lives on the same estate as my granddaughter and, when he sees her, he smirks at her and she becomes scared.

Where is the justice in this?

My granddaughter cannot forget what he did. She never will.

He is allowed to get on with his life and do it again. He will, because he was never punished for the vile things he did.

I agree with you, I wish I could publish this boy's name so that parents would know what he is, so that they can protect their children from him.

Name and address supplied