Villagers concerned about plans to build up to 72 flats face an anxious wait to see if a Government planning inspector will reject a developer’s appeal.

People living in Littlemore have spent more than a year protesting at Persimmon Homes’ plan to build dozens of homes on the former sites of Mabel Prichard School and St Nicholas House.

The developer has seen two proposals for the flats rejected by Oxford City Council, but has since appealed.

A three-day appeal hearing in Oxford Town Hall is expected to end tomorrow, and a decision on the the appeal is expected within 11 days.

Yesterday, a dozen protesters waved placards outside the hearing.

Alice Bevan, whose home would border the development, said: "It would just be totally inappropriate visually for the village. I am quite pessimistic about the appeal — we are just trying to affect the decision as much as we can."

John Tanner, Littlemore city and parish councillor, said: "We want homes, not flats. That is, we want houses on the site good enough for families to live in."

Persimmon was granted outline permission for flats in 2004 for Mabel Pritchard, and in 2006 for the adjoining St Nicholas House site.

But last November, the city council rejected plans for 72 flats over the two sites, on the grounds the development was too big, had inadequate amenity space and failed to provide enough affordable housing.

A revised scheme was rejected for the same reasons in March before the developer appealed.

Jon Regent, land director for Persimmon Homes Thames Valley, said: "We are committed to developing high quality homes in desirable locations. We believe this development will create a wonderful new community in Littlemore and address the current shortfall of new homes in the region."